iDAMedic Evolution 2.0.0 Mac

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

iDAMedic Evolution 2.0.0 Mac File size: 25.16 MB

- Quick and easy creation of patients.

Complete Clinical History and according to the Norms
Hereditary and Family History | Pathological and Non-Pathological History | Gynecology and Obstetrics | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Obstetrics
Gynecological and Obstetric History | Interrogation by apparatus and systems | Current Condition | Physical Examination | Laboratory and Cabinet Study Results | ICD-10 Diagnosis and Treatment.

Evolution Notes
PSOAP | Exploration | Pregnancy | ICD-10 Diagnoses | Laboratory and cabinet studies results with 4 attached documents.

Medical Prescriptions:
Physical Examination | Next Appointment | Quick Medication Catalog or traditional form.

- Print all the fields of the Medical History, Evolution Note and Prescriptions.

***There are no mandatory fields.
***Everything is saved by date and it is very easy to see the previous consultation.
***AES-128 encryption is used to protect the information.
***Security Copies.

Supported Operation System:
• OS X 10.10 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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