ZOC Terminal Mac 破解版 Telnet/SSH/SSH2终端软件

发表于: 2019-06-30 网络、安全软件 mac

ZOC Terminal 是一个telnet/ssh/ssh2客户端和终端仿真器。通过标签式会话、类型化命令历史、scrollback和多窗口支持, ZOC Terminal 实现的模拟使它成为任何需要从Windows或OS X平台上访问Unix shell帐户的人的首选工具。

[ZOC 在官网售价 79.99 美元]

ZOC Terminal 7.23.7 Mac 破解版 介绍

ZOC Terminal 一个telnet/ssh/ssh2客户端和终端仿真器。通过标签式会话、类型化命令历史、scrollback和多窗口支持,ZOC终端实现的模拟使它成为任何需要从Windows或OS X平台上访问Unix shell帐户的人的首选工具。

Emulate widely-used or specialized terminals:

  • vt102
  • vt220
  • TN3270
  • TN5250
  • Wyse
  • TVI
  • Sun's CDE

Transfer files through major protocols:

  • X-, Y-, and Z-modem
  • Kermit
  • SCP

What's New in ZOC Terminal

Version 7.23.7:

  • Icon alignment in userbar
  • Possible crash at startup after closing in maximized mode (macOS only)

Version 7.23.6:

  • Icons were missing on macOS 10.15 Catalina beta 1 (macOS only)
  • Possible crash when closing in fullscreen mode (macOS only)
  • Closing ZOC with zoomed window resulted in fullscreen mode on next start (macOS only)

Version 7.23.1:

  • Password prompts were skipped when ssh-option 'show prompts in terminal' was set (regression 7.22.1)

Version 7.23.0:

  • Now based on openssh 7.5
  • Better TN3270 and TN5250 script recording (special keys will now show as ZocSendEmulationKey calls)
  • TN3270 sessions stalled when ZOC accepted a DDE connections during the session
  • vt220 DECSET was broken when multiple parameters were sent in one sequence
  • Could not run under Windows XP/2003 (regression from v7.22.7, Windows only)
  • REXX event scripts (zocevent.zrx, zocxfer.zrx) could not issue ADDRESS CMD commands
  • Documentation issues with REXX event scripts (zocevent.zrx, zocxfer.zrx)

Version 7.22.7:

  • Hostnames in quick connection and host directory can now be up to 128 characters long
  • Garbage characters from xterm termcap query shown during VI sessions

Version 7.22.4:

  • Possible assert message and crash when rewrapping screen content during resize
  • Incorrect error message on SSH connections when connection was refused (macOS only)

Version 7.21.2:

  • Ctrl+= now also zooms font
  • user button max length increased
  • host directory memo/info field max length increased
  • the session timer stopped when dragging a tab onto the desktop (and thus into its own window)
  • possible growth in memory usage when leaving a connected session unattended (macOS only)
ZOC Terminal Mac 破解版 Telnet/SSH/SSH2终端软件

ZOC Terminal 7.23.7 Mac 破解版 下载


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