WebScraper 4.8.4 for Mac 破解版 网站数据提取工具

发表于: 2019-04-04 开发、设计软件 mac

WebScraper for Mac是一款运行在Mac平台上非常好用的网站数据提取工具, WebScraper 插件可以帮您在10分钟内轻松实现网页数据的爬取,只需输入起始网址即可开始,操作简单、功能强大。

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WebScraper 4.8.4 for Mac 破解版 介绍

WebScraper for Mac是一款网站数据采集工具,通过使用将数据导出为JSON或CSV的极简应用快速提取与某个网页相关的信息(包括文本内容),为您提供了以最小的努力快速从网上源提取内容的可能性。您可以完全控制将导出到CSV或JSON文件的数据。



为了避免任何不必要的扫描,您可以选择只抓取一个页面,然后通过简单的鼠标点击来启动该过程。在Live View窗口中,您可以看到每个链接返回的状态消息,这在处理调试任务时可能很有用。







What's New in WebScraper

Version 4.8.4:

  • New option for when saving images - option for a longer filename based on the image's url path. This may not usually be necessary, but if an image appears on many pages with the same filename (eg /300w.png) then this leads to the image being overwritten every time it's saved, if the filename only is used.
  • 'New Project' properlyclears any previous results in the results tab and resets a number of other things.

Version 4.8.0:

  • Can use the ProxyCrawl service to use different proxy servers and user-agent string etc for each request. Simply set up an account with ProxyCrawl (free up to 1000 successful requests per month), enter your token in Preferences, switch on "Use ProxyCrawl" in your site's advanced settings.
  • File menu now has a 'Save Project' option as well as a 'Save Project As...' option which work as you'd expect.
  • Fixes issue causing black / whitelist rules from a previously open project to appear in a project after a certain sequence of events.
  • Fixes main tab view switching to empty results tab after a saved project is opened.

Version 4.7.1:

  • Built to take advantage of 10.14's new dark mode. Respect's user's system-wide setting
  • Updates the Integrity crawling engine within the app to the latest version
WebScraper 4.8.4 for Mac 破解版 网站数据提取工具
WebScraper 4.8.4 for Mac 破解版 网站数据提取工具

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