Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 属性字符串生成工具

发表于: 2017-12-20 开发、设计软件 mac

Visual Attributed String Mac破解版是一款能够快速帮你创建带属性的字符串的工具,用户们只需要输入字符,然后设置好其属性,软件就会自动帮你生成对应的代码。操作非常简单,全程鼠标操作就可以了哦!

[Visual Attributed String在Mac App Store售价人民币40元]

Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 介绍

Visual Attributed String 可以通过简单的文字与应用效果的文字和段落的文件,你将在任何字处理应用程序中创建您的iOS和Mac应用nsattributedstrings!视觉属性字符串是最先进的所见即所得(你看到的就是你得到的)属性字符串编辑器。

  • Platform Specific Code: generate code to create NSAttributedStrings for both iOS and OS X.
  • Generates both Swift AND Objective-C code!
  • Get the code for your entire document by clicking "Code" in the toolbar!
  • Get the code for only selected portions of text by right-clicking and selecting the "Code for Selection" menu item! This allows you to get code for individual words/paragraphs as you need them on a long document with many different text styles! -Save your text as an image to use for the web! You can also generate images for only selected portions of text by right-clicking and selecting the "Image for Selection" menu item! Supported image formats include: .png, .bmp, .tiff, and .jpeg!
  • Smart Code Generation: Visual Attributed String is smart enough to generate code for non-mutable attributed strings (NSAttributedString) and mutable attributed strings (NSMutableAttributedString) based on your typed text!
  • Easily add emoji and special characters to your attributed strings by clicking the "Special Characters" toolbar item to bring up the characters palette!
  • Change the background of the entire document to see how your text looks against different background colors. If you want to get the code for your document’s background color, you can simply right click and select the "Background Color Code" menu item!
  • Add images to your attributed strings! Just drag and drop an image from Finder onto the window to add images to the document! Did you know NSAttributedString is capable of displaying images?
  • Custom Font Warning: Visual Attributed String will warn you if your document uses a custom font that is not included in the iOS SDK!
  • Visual Attributed String is a document-based application and supports features such as autosaving, duplicating documents, renaming documents, and reverting document versions!
  • Powerful yet simple interface for styling text! Visual Attributed String provides an interface for editing many attributes. For more on Visual Attributed String, visit the official Visual Attributed String website.

Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 属性字符串生成工具

Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 属性字符串生成工具

Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 属性字符串生成工具

Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 属性字符串生成工具

Visual Attributed String for Mac 2.1 破解版 – 属性字符串生成工具

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