Unclutter for mac本身是一个多功能的隐藏菜单,里面包含Clipboard(剪切板),File Storage(存储区域),Notes(随手记)三个功能区,当你用鼠标或是Trackpad从屏幕顶部向下滑动时,Unclutter for mac菜单就会落下来,接下来的操作就会非常Easy。 试用 Unclutter 可以在桌面快捷整理笔记、常用文件和剪贴板内容。
Improved the way Unclutter Files panel accepts drops from web-browser. Google Chrome still doesn't handle it correctly and reliably.
Fixed: QuickLook Preview window for files now doesn't prevent Unclutter from closing the window when you switch to another application.
Unclutter now draws icons in Files panel correctly, depending on the macOS appearance (Dark/Light) on MacOS 10.14 or later.
Minor code updates and optimizations.
Version 2.1.1700:
All Unclutter versions starting from 2.1.17 (this version) will now be notarized by Apple. This is for your confidence that Unclutter does NOT contain any malicious code and does NOT do anything inappropriate.
Unclutter Files is now a good place to store aliases to your remote files stored on network drives. If disconnected, opening this files will just prompt for the reconnection.
Bug when opening a note (no edit) with links caused the note to pop up to the top of the list.
Minor issues with Chinese localizations.
Other fixes and improvements.
Version 2.1.16d:
UI tweaks for Dark mode better compatibility
Fixed Unclutter crash when processing URLs in text