USBclean 3.7 MacOS

发表于: 2022-10-04 其他软件 mac

USBclean 3.7 MacOS

USBCLeaner 是一种纯绿色的辅助杀毒工具,具有检测查杀70余种U盘病毒,U盘病毒广谱扫描,U盘病毒免疫,修复显示隐藏文件及系统文件,安全卸载移动盘盘符等功能,全方位一 体化修复杀除U盘病毒.同时USBCleaner能迅速对新出现的U盘病毒进行处理.USBCleaner是你学习,工作,娱乐的好帮手。

USBclean 3.x | macOS | 4 mb

The most powerful USB cleaning utility ever made!
Quickly and easily remove pesky junk and ghost files from your external USB drives.
.DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .Spotlight, and trashes files take up precious space, and can cause issues on some devices. Remove any number of pre-configured filetypes, or add your own custom filetypes for more flexibility. Remove files by dragging your drive into the handy drop zone, from the system menubar, or by dropping straight onto the dock icon.

USBclean is useful for:
*cleaning annoying files which don't play on your media devices.
*removal of Mac only files (useful when sharing USB drive with a friends PC).
*removal of Windows only files which take up useful space
*removing files of any number of (customizable) filetypes. [for instance, to quickly remove all m4a files from an external drive, go to the "File Types" preference-tab and quickly add "m4a" to the extensions field]


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