SyncMate Mac 破解版 Mac数据同步工具

发表于: 2019-07-22 系统、应用软件 mac

SyncMate for Mac是一个全功能的macOS数据同步实用程序,使您能够在简单直观的界面中快速轻松地在多个设备之间传输信息和数据。借助SyncMate,您可以将Mac与BlackBerry和Android设备以及iPhone,iPad,iPod touch和其他Mac同步。最重要的是,SyncMate完全兼容Dropbox和谷歌账户,iCloud,Yahoo!或任何其他使用CardDav或CalDav,Sony PSP,网络存储设备和MTP设备的云存储。

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SyncMate 7 .4.452 Mac 破解版 介绍

SyncMate for Mac是一款功能强大的手机助手软件,允许将您的Mac数据与Android,iOS以及其他Mac,MTP或挂载设备以及Google,Dropbox和iCloud帐户同步。

  • 免费的SyncMate可让您在Mac和支持的设备之间同步联系人和日历条目。与Google和Dropbox帐户同步也可用。 SyncMate允许在Mac上正确阅读来自Android和iOS的消息。
  • 专业版将同步iTunes,iPhoto和,Safari书签,提醒和单独的文件夹(同步选项取决于您正在同步的设备)。它提供AutoSync选项,可让您为任何受支持的设备设置自动同步的各种参数。您可以实时在Mac与已装入的存储设备和其他Mac之间同步文件夹,即,一旦您在Mac或连接的设备上更改了任何数据,它就会立即同步。
  • 使用Expert Edition,您可以在Mac上创建,发送,删除,搜索和导出Android和iOS中的短信。它还允许在将视频同步到设备(图片,视频和音乐插件)之前,将视频转换为AVI,MPG,MP4,WMV,ASF,3GP和音频文件到MP3和WAV。

同步可以通过USB,Wi-Fi,蓝牙和以太网(取决于同步设备)执行。 SyncMate与OS X 10.8.5及更高版AnyTrans for iOS本兼容。设备兼容性:iOS 5.x-8.x设备; Android 3.x,4.x,5.x,6.x,7.x.

What's New in SyncMate Expert

Version 7.4.452:

  • Simultaneous sync of several connections is now more stable
  • All-day events sync for all connection types
  • Issue when event's recurrence and reminders were not synced correctly to Mac in case any unrelated field was changed on iOS device
  • Issue when Contacts "State" field wouldn't sync to iOS devices
  • Duplicate Contacts data when syncing changes with iOS devices

Version 7.4.452:

  • Simultaneous sync of several connections is now more stable
  • All-day events sync for all connection types
  • Issue when event's recurrence and reminders were not synced correctly to Mac in case any unrelated field was changed on iOS device
  • Issue when Contacts "State" field wouldn't sync to iOS devices
  • Duplicate Contacts data when syncing changes with iOS devices

Version 7.3.427:Note: Now requires OS X 10.9 or later

Read this first
  • Mount disk option is no longer available for Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive accounts on your Mac. But we’ve got FREE alternative for SyncMate 7 Expert users - CloudMounter. Read this article for more details.
  • In order to sync data with Microsoft accounts with new version of SyncMate you'll need Mac OS version 10.10 or later.
What’s new in this version?
  • Improved: compatibility with macOS 10.14.
  • Improved: syncing with Google accounts.
  • Improved: audio and video files conversion.
  • Fixed: the issue with text messages not shown correctly on iOS 11 and 12.
  • Fixed: incorrect time settings for calendar events after syncing with Windows services (Outlook online account, Office 365 Home and Business Editions).
  • Other fixes and improvements (thank you for your continued feedback!).
SyncMate Mac 破解版 Mac数据同步工具

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