Synapse Audio DUNE Mac 破解版 十分出色的音频合成插件

发表于: 2019-11-01 其他软件 mac

Synapse Audio DUNE for Mac建立在屡获殊荣的DUNE 2合成器的基础上,添加了常用功能和创新思想,创造了有史以来最佳的DUNE体验!

[Synapse Audio DUNE 在官网售价 179.00 美元]

Synapse Audio DUNE 3.2.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

Synapse Audio DUNE 3.2.0 builds on the award-winning DUNE 2 synthesizer, adding frequently requested features and innovative ideas, to create the best DUNE experience ever!

DUNE 3 comes with many new patches crafted by expert sound designers. Since DUNE 3 is fully patch-compatible with DUNE 2, it includes its presets as well,

doubling the factory library size to more than 1000 patches.

Synapse Audio DUNE Mac 破解版 十分出色的音频合成插件

Synapse Audio DUNE 3.2.0 Mac 破解版 下载


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