StatsBar – System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的系统监控工具

发表于: 2018-09-08 系统、应用软件 mac

StatsBar 是一款 Mac 上的系统监控工具,可以实时监控系统的 CPU 使用率、内存使用率、硬盘使用、网速、电池等信息,还可以释放内存、监控网速、电池健康状态等,非常实用的一款工具。

[StatsBar - System Monitor 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币18元]

StatsBar - System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 介绍

StatsBar gives you a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the following areas of your Mac:

  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Disk usage
  • Network and bandwidth usage
  • Battery power and health (MacBooks only)

Monitoring these stats allows you to easily keep a check on your Mac's health and performance.

Additional features
  • Memory Clean feature to free up used RAM
  • Run the app either in menubar mode or dock mode
  • Customizable hotkey support to quickly launch the app
  • Program app to launch at login
  • Opacity control (can toggle the transparency of the app)
  • Anchor button to keep the app locked on screen and above all other programs
  • Gorgeous Retina graphics

What's New in StatsBar

Version 2.6:

  • Bug fixes
StatsBar – System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的系统监控工具
StatsBar – System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的系统监控工具
StatsBar – System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的系统监控工具
StatsBar – System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的系统监控工具

StatsBar - System Monitor 2.6 Mac 破解版 下载


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