SolidAngle Cinema 4D to Arnold 2.4.4 Mac 破解版 – Cinema4D渲染器

发表于: 2018-12-14 开发、设计软件 mac

Arnold for Cinema 4D (or C4DtoA)提供了一个从标准电影的4D接口中连接到Arnold渲染器的桥梁。C4DtoA 现在使用最新的Arnold5.0内核。

[SolidAngle Cinema 4D to Arnold 在官网要555英镑一年]

SolidAngle Cinema 4D to Arnold 2.4.4 Mac 破解版 介绍

  • Seamless integration with C4D: objects (instances, cloners, deformers, generators), MoGraph geometry, hair and splines.
  • Support for both native particles and Thinking Particles.
  • The fastest interactive rendering (IPR) of all Arnold plugins, allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting your work.
  • Arnold Shading Network Editor, a node-based material editor.
  • A comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials.
  • Volume rendering with OpenVDB.
  • Deferred, render time generation of geometry with the Arnold procedural node.
  • Native linear workflow.
  • Team Render, including single-frame distributed rendering.
  • Support for third party plugins like X-Particles and Turbulence FD.
SolidAngle Cinema 4D to Arnold 2.4.4 Mac 破解版 – Cinema4D渲染器

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