Serial Mac 破解版 优秀的终端模拟工具

发表于: 2019-09-07 网络、安全软件 mac

Serial 是一款Mac上优秀的终端模拟工具,为工程师和系统管理员方便的嵌入式硬件,包括完整的终端仿真,很不错!

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Serial 1.4.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

Serial makes it easy to connect your Mac to almost anything with a serial port, including routers, switches, PBXs, embedded devices and more.

In addition to a full-featured terminal emulator, Serial includes built-in, user-space drivers for many popular devices, saving you the hassle of finding, installing, and updating drivers. With Serial there is no need to change security settings on your Mac just to connect something to your machine.

For network administrators, Serial supports the break sequence required when working with routers and switches, and even emulates breaks for devices and/or drivers lacking direct support. In addition to breaks, text pacing allows you to paste large configuration files without overflowing the input buffer of your device.


  • Full-featured xterm, linux, and ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation
  • Break support
  • Text pacing
  • XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM and Kermit file transfers
  • Manual or automatic logging
  • Profiles
  • Timestamps
  • Emulated break sequence for devices or kernel drivers lacking support
  • Emulated XON/XOFF for devices or kernel drivers lacking support

Serial includes built-in support for the following devices:

  • USB Communication Device Class (CDC) devices
  • Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP) devices
  • USB to Serial bridges based on the FTDI, Prolific, CH34x, SiLabs, and TI chipsets
  • FTDI's FT260 HID USB/Serial Bridge
  • SiLabs CP2110 HID USB/Serial Bridge
  • Cisco (and other) devices with built-in USB console ports

What's new in Serial

Version 1.4.0:

  • Support for macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
  • Visual BEL indication
  • Configurable BEL sound support
  • Choice of send window size commands for different devices
  • Window size lock/unlock toggle in title bar
  • Adjustable character and line spacing
  • Cursor color, type and blink options
  • Greater flexibility in choosing fonts
  • Support for shift-click to extend the selection
  • Per-character delay option for BT and CDC devices
  • DEL and INS escape sequences
  • Ability to reset elapsed timestamp counter
  • Support for additional devices
  • Support for dark mode
  • Support for hardened runtime
  • Improvements to full-screen mode
  • Improved binary log output
  • Reduced the likelihood of changing to the alternate character set inadvertently
  • Serial is now notarized
  • Dozens of bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.3.9:

  • Cmd-Left and Cmd-Right now go to beginning/end of line, respectively
  • Fixes potential crash when checking for updates


Serial Mac 破解版 优秀的终端模拟工具

Serial 1.4.0 Mac 破解版 下载


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