SQLEditor Mac 破解版 优秀的SQL数据库设计工具
2019-09-16 开发、设计软件 mac
摘要: SQLEditor 是一款Mac上优秀的SQL数据库设计工具,能够连接到任何ODBC兼容的数据库,如Oracle,DB2,SQL服务器等,支持导入导出,简单易用,很不错!
SQLEditor 是一款Mac上优秀的SQL 数据库设计 工具,能够连接到任何ODBC兼容的 数据库 ,如Oracle,DB2,SQL服务器等,支持导入导出,简单易用,很不错!
[ SQLEditor 在官网售价 79.00 美元]
SQLEditor 3.5.6 Mac 破解版 介绍
SQLEditor 是一个用于OS x的SQL 数据库设计 和实体关系图(ERD)工具,它用拖拽、删除和点击来替代键入SQL,使 数据库 创建更快更容易。如果您已经有了一个 数据库 ,那么SQLEditor可以帮助您通过逆向工程图来了解它的外观。或者使用SQLEditor与新的设计报告导出器创建文档。如果您需要设计一个 数据库 ,或者需要管理现有的数据库,那么SQLEditor可能很有用。如果你正在学习 数据库设计 ,它也很有用。
SQLEditor支持将 数据库设计 导出到MySQL、Postgres、SQLite、Oracle等。此外,它还导入和导出Ruby On Rails迁移文件。
注意,SQLEditor 3是较早版本的付费升级。2014年3月1日或以后购买的许可证免费升级。
What's New in SQLEditor
Version 3.5.6:
- Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
Version 3.5.5:
Fixes for:
- Inline renaming and comment editing in dark mode not working due to text sometimes appearing in white on white background
- Insertion point color being incorrect in some cases (and so hidden also)
- Drag handles not layering correctly
- Bug when copying object and the dialect was set to JSON
Version 3.5.1:
- Fix toolbar label positioning
- Fix spacing in toolbar items
- Fix missing icon in constraint inspector
- Fix for focus ring not drawing in canvas when dragging objects into the document
- Fix jump to parent table button in inspector panels not working when inspecting constraints and foreign keys
- Fix for text-only mode toolbar items not working
- Modified application help to improve reliability
- Updated Sparkle update system which should fix a crashing bug that occasionally occurred
- Changed wording of option to "Always quote identifiers on export"
Version 3.5.0:
- Add new dark mode for Mojave (10.14)
- Better applescript support, can now add more types of object, delete objects and extract cardinality information
- Better file reading code is now enabled by default
- New option to turn dark mode on or off for SQLEditor only or follow system setting
- The icon on the button that links a field to its parent has been changed
- Some other graphics have been redrawn mostly without change
- The drawing of the icons in the left (source) sidebar toolbar has been improved
- Cursor images for creating foreign key connections have been redrawn
- Color modification for selected tables has been modified slightly
- Fix: Tables that have position locked will now resize if a field is added
- Fix: The show object palette menu command now works properly again
- Fix for extra lines sometimes appearing in the blue overlay selection rectangle
- Fix: the add field button on the table inspector is now disabled if more than one table is selected
- Fix: Better automatic quoting for identifiers with characters that require quoting (postgres,mysql)
- Fix: for bug where about box display caused crash if appearance had changed
- Added new preference to turn off quoting for identifiers with characters that require quoting (postgres,mysql)
- Removed print toolbar item
- Some images in the app that were redundant have been removed
- Minor cleanup and fixes
- Now built with 10.14 sdk
SQLEditor 3.5.6 Mac 破解版 下载