QR Mirror 1.3 Mac

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

QR Mirror 1.3 Mac

QR Mirror Mac版是Mac平台上的一款二维码工具。QR Mirror Mac版是一种通过QR码在Mac上启动文件、文件夹和应用程序的新方法。

File size: 45.07 MB

QR Mirror is a new way to launch files, folders and apps on your Mac with QR-Code. Scan QR-Codes using the built-in FaceTime camera to open files with just the QR-Code at hand and without having to remember or navigate complex file system structures.

Launch the original Pages document from the real pages you print.—It's phenomenal.Stick QR-Codes to things around you and it’ll launch its counterpart on your Mac when scanned.

• Minimal non-obtrusive UI inspired by car design.
• Easily blend in with the work environment.
• Create QR-Code aliases for specific files, simply by dropping them into QR Mirror.
• Export generated QR-Codes by dragging the QR-Code icon.
• Scan QR-Codes and launch files.

Supported Operation System

• OS X 10.10 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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