Pro Disk Cleaner 1.8 MacOSX

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

Pro Disk Cleaner 1.8 MacOSX


PRO Disk Cleaner 1.x | macos | 2.28 MB

Disk Cleaner does all the work for you! We’ve optimized the most efficient locations to quickly scan and remove all the junk taking up your valuable disk space. Stop wasting disk space on unneeded files leftover from uninstalled apps, temporary internet files, old mail attachments, and others you didn’t know about.

With Disk Cleaner clean;
• Application Log Files
• Browser Data
• Application Caches
• Downloads Folder
• Mail Downloads Folder
• Trash Can
• Old iPhone/iPad Backups
• iOS Photo Cache
• Large Files (files within your user folder that are greater than 100 MB)
• Uninstall Applications (.app files must be removed manually)

*Compare to competing disk cleaners that only scan for 7 of our 8 features and haven’t been updated since 2013! We’re optimized for the newest macOS to deep clean your hard disk and free up your valuable space. We're the only disk cleaning app that is updated! No other app has been updated in 2017!

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