Pixelstyle Photo Editor 3.8.0 Mac

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

Pixelstyle Photo Editor 3.8.0 Mac

图片编辑器PixelStyle轻松编辑各式照片或随心设计原创作品。它自带数十种优质的滤镜,并配有与PS软件类似的有用的编辑功能,如剪切,复制,缩放,粘贴,复制,带压感的画笔,渐变填充,移动,删除,裁剪,填充桶,克隆,涂抹, alpha通道等。凭借最先进的照片处理引擎,图片编辑器PixelStyle Photo Editor可以快速进行图像处理,并实时获取令人惊艳的效果。

File size: 42.69 MB

PixelStyle Photo Editor easily edits photos & images and creates original unique artworks. It brings dozens of high-quality filters and comes with useful editing functions similar to PS software such as making selections, copying elements or layers, transforming, color picker, painting with hundreds of brushes, image resizing, gradient filling, healing scratches, cropping, erasing, fill bucket, cloning, smudging, alpha channel editing, and more. With state-of-the-art photo processing engine, PixelStyle Photo Editor quickly processes high-quality photos and gets amazing results instantly on Mac.......

Supported Operation System
• OS X 10.9 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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