松树 Pine Mac 破解版 开放世界动作冒险模拟游戏

发表于: 2019-10-15 游戏一箩筐 mac

松树 Pine 是一款开放世界 动作冒险 模拟游戏,这款游戏使用了先进的AI技术与错综复杂的游戏生态学,能根据玩家的操作风格和玩法习惯,做出最适应玩家的改变。玩家扮演以腼腆害羞的小男孩,他阿尔巴马雷海岛上所存在的最后一个部落中的一员,为了拯救你的部落,玩家需要克服对外界的恐惧,为了找到一个适合生存的新家园而展开一段冒险之旅。

[ Pine 在 Steam 上售价 72.00 元]

Pine 391 Mac 破解版 介绍

A Story of Humans

Pine is an open world action adventure simulation game. Set in the beautiful world of Albamare, you take on the role of Hue, a smart young adult who will have to explore, trade, and fight his way through a vibrant world filled with creatures much smarter than humans.

Their Story Becomes Yours

As you're looking for a new home for your tribe to settle in, you'll have to engage with the large-scale ecology of Albamare. Prepare by exploring, bartering, talking, crafting and fighting in six different biomes, with and against a diverse cast of species that will not simply help you.

A Struggle for Survival

In Pine, things will happen across the open game world even without your involvement. All organisms are alive and will try what they can to survive. You can choose to befriend a species, fight alongside them, or you may also to attack them, steal their food or force them to abandon their current habitat. All of this will make the species move across the ecological spectrum.

松树 Pine Mac 破解版 开放世界动作冒险模拟游戏
松树 Pine Mac 破解版 开放世界动作冒险模拟游戏
松树 Pine Mac 破解版 开放世界动作冒险模拟游戏
松树 Pine Mac 破解版 开放世界动作冒险模拟游戏
松树 Pine Mac 破解版 开放世界动作冒险模拟游戏

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