Kaleidoscope mode added - it is a super powerful tool for creating incredible ornaments
Undo/redo options added for moving the frame and the"Free transform" points. Also, the "Free transform" frame can now be moved beyond the edges and not just beyond the vertices
The ability to "Highlight layer" added (You can customize highlighting options in Options-> Main-> Highlights Layers on)
"Snap" function added. You can use it when moving layers as well as when moving the "Free transform" frame
The ability to align layers added. The corresponding "Align" buttons are displayed in the "Move Layers tool" panel
"Recent files" panel changed completely. Now you can have a look at the previews of the documents and you can also quickly go to the folder with the corresponding file.
"Autosaves" settings added to Options panel. Now autosaves are saved in the "FileName-date-time" format and you can choose a folder to save as well as the maximum number of files. We alse added autosaves for the "Drawing stages" in jpg.
Now you can drag'n'drop layers and folders into a neighboring document.
The previews are now displayed when you hover over documents in the top menu. Option can be disabled in Options-> Interface
Now you can disable Antaliasing for brushes
A feature added that will allow you to display a grid of pixels with a strong approximation of the canvas (Options-> openGL-> Show pixels grid)
Invert button added to "Gradient" panel
Several new hotkeys added: "Flip layer horizontally", "Flip layer vertically", "Image resize", "Canvas resize", "Switch to next document"
Now you can change the "Opacity" and "Blendmode" of several layers at once.
Now you can duplicate multiple layers at once.
If you click on a folder while several layers selected, they will now be grouped
A feature added that will allow you to change the imprint of the brush transparency to "Options"
"Hide menu on TAB" feature added to "Options"
You can now enable or disable the panel animation (Options-> Interface-> Enable panels animation)
The texture window is now centered at the current texture when opening, while the current folder and texture are being highlighted in blue. Same features are applied for "Custom forms"
Now it will not be possible to open the file that had already been opened before, you will be offered to reopen this file
Little bugs fixed
Version 2.31:
"Blend transparency" parameter now works under the GPU and for the bristle brushes.
Korean language added. Special thanks to Lee Jun Hyek for translation!
The ability to turn the mask on / off added
"Antialiasing" button added to the lasso tools, magic wand and bucket
The ability to drag brushes into another category added
Now most of the working panels can be moved and scaled (Gradients panel, Textures panel, Image resize, define hotkeys, etc)
Two new parameters added to the "Transition" brush controller
"Transfer to down layer" function added (also works with the selection and several layers)
The ability to move selection added
The inverting of the layer added by "ctrl + i" (Menu-> Layer-> Invert)
The slider now moves slowly with holded "shift" and multiple with holded "ctrl"
New document orientation buttons added
"Copy from the visible layers" function added. Use shift + ctrl + c (Menu-> Edit-> Copy Merged"
Now you can enter the text with the keyboard (for example when renaming a layer) in any language (except for hieroglyphic symbols)