Origami Studio 2.7.1 Mac 破解版 – Facebook出品原型设计神器

发表于: 2018-08-26 系统、应用软件 mac

Origami Studio Mac 由 Facebook 推出,在 iOS 与 Android 设计风格基础之上采用 Facebook 设计语言的原型开发工具,Origami Studio解版提供了必要的设计要素、动画效果以及各种库,可以让产品设计师更快更方便地进行原型开发。

[Origami Studio 在官网售价不知道,哈哈,墙外]

Origami Studio 2.7.1 Mac 破解版 介绍







What's New in Origami

Version 2.7.1:

  • The changes are mostly about the dieline generator window of Origami. Inches are now properly set up as documents units when a new dieline is generated. It worked for all the units, except inches before - now it is fixed. We also improved CSV support in batch dieline generator.
  • Decimal point rounding has been improved in dieline generator both in manual and batch modes. Origami now displays 4 digits after the decimal point, which is good for inches.
  • Finally, we ported the OpenGL driver selection from Boxshot, so if Origami doesn't detect the best GPU driver for your system well, you can always help it in the Settings window. This is a Windows only feature, as OpenGL drivers are more predictable on Mac.
Origami Studio 2.7.1 Mac 破解版 – Facebook出品原型设计神器
Origami Studio 2.7.1 Mac 破解版 – Facebook出品原型设计神器
Origami Studio 2.7.1 Mac 破解版 – Facebook出品原型设计神器

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