One Switch 1.25 MacOS

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

One Switch 1.25 MacOS ne Switch 是火球工作室推出的最新 Mac 效率软件,它在 Menubar 菜单里集成了隐藏桌面(图标)、切换 Dark Mode、保持亮屏、开启屏保的一键切换按钮,将以往这些以独立小软件为单位的小功能集成到了一起,方便用户快速调用,实现是方便很多。

对于上述的一键切换功能,之前都有许多 app 在做,比如负责一键隐藏桌面所有图标的 Focus、Hidden me;负责切换黑暗模式的 NightOwl;负责保持长期亮屏的 Caffeine,这些微型软件今后都不需要玩了,只需要安装一个 One Switch 就够了。

File size: 10 MB

One Switch is a tiny app designed to improve your efficiency by providing quick access to a few important switches. It can be opened from your menu bar, and it allows you to toggle certain system features with just a couple of clicks.

Hide Desktop Icons
Hide your messy desktop with one click.

Dark Mode
Toggle Dark Mode at any time.

Keep Awake
Prevent your Mac from sleeping or displaying the screen saver.

Screen Saver
Sometimes you will like to turn it on manually.

Connect AirPods with your Mac in just a second.

Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.14 or later 64-bit

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