NepTunes for Mac 1.64 激活版 – iTunes+Last.fm工具

发表于: 2017-10-27 媒体软件 mac

NepTunes 是一款Mac上优秀的iTunes和Spotify音乐控制工具,让你快速的在Last.fm发现更多的音乐,很不错!

[NepTunes 在官网上售价3.99美元,约合人民币24元]

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 介绍

NepTunes is a simple-to-use, yet powerful music scrobbler for iTunes that is light, super-reliable and fully works with Apple Music, and can help you with discovering new music.


Version 1.64: Note: Currently available for $2.99

  • Reduces the number of requests sent to iTunes servers and uses cache to store the results

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 激活版 – iTunes+Last.fm工具

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 激活版 – iTunes+Last.fm工具

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 激活版 – iTunes+Last.fm工具

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 激活版 – iTunes+Last.fm工具

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 激活版 – iTunes+Last.fm工具

NepTunes for Mac 1.64 下载


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