Multitouch Mac 破解版 扩展你的多点触控设备

发表于: 2019-05-24 系统、应用软件 mac

Multitouch 是一款可以增强你的 多点触控 设备的应用, Multitouch 可以让你将一个自定义的动作绑定到一个特定的魔力轨迹板或魔术鼠标手势。例如,三个手指点击可以执行粘贴。通过执行快捷键、控制浏览器的选项卡、执行中间鼠标点击等等,来改善你的工作流程。

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Multitouch 1.11 Mac 破解版 介绍



  • 一次购买和免费更新的手势和动作越来越多。
  • 隐私。没有从应用程序收集用户数据。
  • 不需要访问可访问权限。

What's New in Multitouch

Version 1.11:

  • Three and four finger swipe gestures: up, down, left and right
  • The support for the following browsers: Firefox Developer Edition, Opera Beta, and Opera Developer (from v.1.10.1)
  • Double click as available action (from v1.10.3 beta)
  • Minor UI updates
  • Tightened up three and four finger tap gesture execution so they are less likely to be accidentally executed

Version 1.10:

  • Glitchy behavior when selecting actions for gestures
  • Support for Brave to Browser and Tabbed Apps actions
  • Some incremental changes to the UI
  • The ability to disable horizontal scrolling in macOS

Version 1.9:

  • Added gestures for one finger tap, click, and force touch in bottom left and right corners of the trackpad
  • Added some minor UI changes
  • Loosened the palm rejection from 1.8.4 slightly

Version 1.8:

  • "Rest one finger and swipe up or down with another finger" gestures
Bug fix
  • For duplicate non-click action executions for Magic Mouse
  • Bug fix for certain internal trackpads not being recognized
  • For application crash when switching tabs in Terminal or iTerm2
Multitouch Mac 破解版 扩展你的多点触控设备

Multitouch 1.11 Mac 破解版 下载


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