Movavi Academic 2022 v22.0.0 macOS

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

Movavi Academic 2022 v22.0.0 macOS 一款功能强大的教育视频制作软件,主要针对学校和教育机构。此软件提供了许多丰富的剪辑功能,包括修剪、添加滤镜、创意效果、气泡、背景音乐以及说明性文字和内容等,不仅可以记录在线讲座和网络研讨会,还可以通过Movavi Cloud共享视频内容,并且可嵌入多选互动问题以此收集观众的反馈。软件操作非常便捷,只需要选择对应的素材然后放入其中即可完成,不需花费大把时间就能够制作出生动有趣的教学视频,结果绝对超出您的期许,让您的教学视频不再枯燥乏味。

Language: Multilingual | File size: 438 MB
Movavi Academic provides teachers and students with a powerful tool for making comprehensive educational videos. Enrich the entire learning experience and take your classroom to the next level with our video-editing software for schools.

Features :
Educational videos for students made fun and simple
Better understanding of training content
Unlimited space for creativity
Development of communication skills
Reaching remote students with the help of video tutorials
Engaging and unique lessons

Supported Operation Systems:
OS X 10.10 or later 64-bit



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