LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 – Mac日志文件浏览工具

发表于: 2018-08-31 开发、设计软件 mac

LogTail是OS X应用程序来查看和监控本地和远程日志文件在Linux服务器(使用SSH)或任何纯文本文件。

[LogTail 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币88元]

LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 介绍

LogTail is an OS X app to view and monitor local and remote log files on linux servers (using SSH) or any plain text file.

It reads log files and outputs their contents as they change, and can follow or "tail" the file in a way similar to the Unix 'tail' utility (tail -f)

LogTail is helpful in monitoring application and system log files which are updated constantly at runtime.

It allows you to set up filter and highlight rules that can be used to hide or colorize lines with matching search terms. This allows you to focus on the important data in your log files! You can also enable notifications to be alerted when matching text is found in the log file.

In addition you can:

  • Manage and browse remote SSH server hosts
  • Bookmark and Search remote log files
  • Share local log files as Mail message attachment or Messages instant message (or via AirDrop or add to Notes (Sharing toolbar item))

To our customers - if you have any feedback / comment / feature request / encounter any issues, please contact us using the 'Email Support' menu under Help. We would love to hear from you!

What's New in LogTail

Version 3.4:

  • Added cloning/copying remote server configuration
  • Make remote file browser columns resizable
  • Fix recent remote files view in welcome window
  • Misc fixes
LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 – Mac日志文件浏览工具
LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 – Mac日志文件浏览工具
LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 – Mac日志文件浏览工具
LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 – Mac日志文件浏览工具
LogTail 3.4 Mac 破解版 – Mac日志文件浏览工具

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