List My Apps 1.9.0 Mac

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

List My Apps 1.9.0 Mac

List My Apps Mac版是Mac电脑上的一款文件管理软件。List My Apps Mac版可以列出所有从AppStore购买的、安装在你电脑上的应用。

File size: 18.26 MB

This app lists all purchased macOS® apps from the Apple AppStore that are installed on your computer and if you wish all application from the folder "/Applications" (from macOS 10.15 also /System/Applications).

• Show all applications from the folder «/Applications» (from macOS 10.15 also /System/Applications) include subfolders
• Show all purchased "macOS®" apps from the Apple AppStore that are installed on your computer
• Show the count of applications in the Dock
• Details about the selected application can be shared with system available services

Details about the selected application:
◦ Application name
◦ Version
◦ Date and time of purchase
◦ Date and time of the last update
◦ Copyright
◦ Application category
◦ Application folder
◦ Application bundle information
◦ Application bundle name
◦ Minimum OS
◦ Retina support
◦ Application from AppStore
◦ Manufacturer URL
◦ Application Icon

Context menu with this features:
◦ Start application
◦ Show app in Finder
◦ Show details
◦ Open manufacturer URL
◦ Finder tags
◦ Copy details to the clipboard
◦ Open details in TextEdit
◦ Context menu with the following functions
◦ Start Application
◦ Show App in Finder
◦ Show details
◦ Open Manufacturer URL
◦ You can start the application with a double click

List of all applications with all details:
◦ Show all applications
◦ Show all applications that are not from AppStore
◦ Show all applications from AppStore
◦ Copy all data to the clipboard (for further processing in Excel®, Numbers® or LibreOffice etc.)
◦ Copy all data of the selected entries to the clipboard (for further processing in Excel®, Numbers® or LibreOffice etc.)
◦ Export as CSV file
◦ Export as Excel® XLSX file

Supported Operation System:
• OS X 10.10 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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