Klokki Mac 破解版 全自动时间追踪软件

发表于: 2019-09-04 系统、应用软件 mac

Klokki 能够为用户自动追踪时间,能够将您处理会话的时间精确到每分每秒,为您的回话计费提供做要的时间依据,同时它还可以自动追踪的同时储存你的数据,不要担心你记录的时间数据会丢失。如果你想要精确的检测并控制自己的会话时间,这款软件是你不错的选择。

[ Klokki 在官网售价 24.50 美元]

Klokki 1.1.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

使用 Klokki 全自动 时间追踪 执行计时,无需启动或暂停计时器。享受最有效的工作方式。

Klokki is a rule-based time-tracking that will start/pause the timer for you automatically. The automation is based on the rules you configure and that gives you full control over what should be tracked and what not.


  • Auto-Tracking: The Auto-Tracking technology automatically tracks the time for you, based on what you tell it to track. This way you keep the control over it, but the need to manually start or pause the timer goes completely away.
  • Billable Hours: Track and monitor your revenue at all times. Change the billing states to not lose the overview.
  • Traditional time-tracking: Use the traditional start/pause buttons, for manual control over your session.
  • Task-management: Store an unlimited amount of tasks and folders within a flexible structure. You can also color-code them to give your projects an identity.
  • Powerful Reports: View your data by day, week, month, year or select your own date range and filter out any session you need within seconds.
  • Privacy: Your data stays where it belongs - on your computer.
  • Mini Tracker: Control your session and time directly from the menu bar, without even opening the timer.
  • Intelligent Import: Import a CSV-file and let the app automatically recognize your data and its format.
  • Automatic Backups: Always feel safe and never worry about losing your data.
Klokki Mac 破解版 全自动时间追踪软件

Klokki 1.1.1 Mac 破解版 下载


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