JustBroadcaster for Periscope for Mac 1.2 激活版 – Periscope视频客户端

发表于: 2017-11-27 媒体软件 mac

JustBroadcaster for Periscope可以帮助我们在mac电脑上直接通过客户端上传分享视频内容到Periscope平台,是一款macOS平台的专业 Periscope视频直播及视频上传客户端,方便用户设置自己的视频Logo以及背景,还能利用iPhone或是iPad等设备作为取景及麦克风进行直播,非常方便高效。

[JustBroadcaster 在官网售价20美元,约合人民币120元]

JustBroadcaster for Periscope 1.2 介绍

Batteries Included for a Pro Look

All you need for a Pro Look available by few clicks. Scene templates, lower third themes and more - we prepared it for you. Just select and use.

JustBroadcaster for Periscope 1.2 下载


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