Image Exif Editor 5.2.0 MacOS

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

Image Exif Editor 5.2.0 MacOS 一款Mac平台上的图片exif元数据编辑软件,Image Exif Editor Mac版旨在通过强大的EXIF元数据编辑功能,以清晰易懂的格式呈现关于照片拍摄方式的详细信息。 它是处理您最喜欢的图像中的exif信息的最强大的工具。

File size: 12 MBВ
Image Exif Editor was designed to present as many details about how a photo was taken in a clear and easy to understand format with powerful EXIF metadata editing capabilities. It's the most powerful tool to handle the EXIF information in your favorite images.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.9 or later 64-bit

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