EverWeb Mac 破解版 优秀的网页开发工具

发表于: 2019-09-14 其他软件 mac

EverWeb 是一款Mac上优秀的 网页开发 工具,支持中文界面,内置大量模板,只需要简单的拖拽就可以制作出精美的网页,很强大!

[ EverWeb 在官网售价 79.99 美元]

EverWeb 2.8.8 Mac 破解版 介绍

有了 EverWeb ,任何人都可以通过拖放来创建专业网站。使用一个内置的模板,或完全从头开始,并为您的业务或个人爱好设计一个完美的网站。添加文本、照片、视频、小部件等,以方便地创建所需的网站。



What's New in EverWeb

Version 3.0.0:

New Features:
  • Significant speed improvements especially for full width, responsive websites
  • Optimized publishing websites so it is now much faster
  • Asset list organization so you can now organize assets into folders and sub folders
  • Background fill options can now be applied to all widgets (Inspector->Shape Options->Fill)
  • All new Contact Form features including
Version 2.8.8:


  • AnimationEngine lets you add awesome animations to all text, images, shapes and widgets
  • Holding the option key and placing your mouse over an object will show you the distance from the selected object making it easy to properly design your website with precision
  • Options for the Image Slider widget to use dark navigation arrows and centre thumbnails


  • EverWeb will now work much better with large projects and use much less memory
  • A memory leak on macOS Sierra that would cause EverWeb to slow down after using it for a while and publishing your website
  • Contact Form Advanced to use proper form address
  • Issue with blog images breaking when moving a project to a new computer
  • Blog post image with spaces in its name not being exported properly
  • Blank paragraphs in text objects having their font and style information removed when closing and re-opening a project
  • Moving a project to/form a retina screen will draw the images and widgets correctlty
  • Site wide header/footer code fields replacing certain characters automatically while typing
  • Error message when adding the blank template and EverWeb is in the Downloads folder instead of the Applications folder


  • Website Previewing. EverWeb won’t preview an entire website after restarting your computer


  • FlexBox Widget Alignment issue
  • Blog pages not exporting correctly on Fixed Width Layouts
  • Some upgrading issues when using the Check For Update menu in EverWeb
  • Some issues with newer Google Fonts
  • Blog Post Drafts
EverWeb Mac 破解版 优秀的网页开发工具

EverWeb 3.0.0 Mac 破解版 下载


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