EagleFiler Mac 破解版 文件和信息管理工具

发表于: 2019-06-28 系统、应用软件 mac

EagleFiler for Mac 破解版是一款强大的数字 信息管理 工具,您可以将内容存储到 EagleFiler 的可搜索库中,可以让您的数字生活更有条理。 EagleFiler 可以处理文件和文件夹,文本片段,Web存档,电子邮件,图像等。EagleFiler 还可以立即预览EagleFiler库中包含的项目,尤其是在处理文本片段,图像,Web地址和其他类型的文档时。

[EagleFiler 在官网售价40美元]

EagleFiler 1.8.8 Mac 破解版 介绍

agleFiler for Mac是一款文件和 信息管理 工具,使管理您的信息变得简单。它可以让您存档和搜索邮件,网页,PDF文件,文字处理文件,图像等。用它来收集各种来源的信息。使用标准的三窗格界面浏览不同类型的文件。将它们组织到文件夹中,并使用标签和备注对它们进行注释,或将所有内容保留在一个文件夹中,并使用实时搜索针对所需的信息。由于EagleFiler以Finder格式存储其库,因此可以将其与Mac生态系统中的其他工具配合使用。

  1. 只需一次按键,即可导入网页,邮件或Mac上的任何文件。
  2. EagleFiler以开放格式存储它们:常规文件和文件夹,可供其他应用程序完全访问。
  3. 可选:加密文件,添加标签,备注,颜色标签和其他元数据。
  4. 按文件夹或标记浏览,或使用实时搜索查找您需要的信息(比Spotlight快)。
  5. 直接在EagleFiler简化的界面中查看,编辑或创建文档,或双击使用其他应用程序进行编辑。



What's New in EagleFiler

Version 1.8.8:

  • EagleFiler now requires macOS 10.9 or later.
  • When dragging in an attached file from a rich text view (e.g. OmniFocus or TextEdit), EagleFiler now imports the file itself rather than creating an RTFD file with the attached file inside.
  • The Batch Change… window remembers whether you had selected Append or Replace.
  • Added support for indexing more types of files attached to e-mail messages.
  • The keyboard shortcut for the EagleFiler: Import With Options service is now localized for German, so that the Command-Shift-Option-1 combination still works with the different keyboard layout.
  • Pressing the capture key while in Reeder 4 now shows instructions for importing from Reeder to EagleFiler.
  • The How can I put my library on my iPhone? section of the manual notes that EagleFiler works with 1Writer.
  • Added preliminary support for macOS 10.15 (which is now in beta).
  • EagleFiler now plays movie files using AVFoundation instead of QuickTime. This improves performance and offers compatibility with macOS 10.15, however some older files that use 32-bit codecs will no longer be playable. You may be able to use IINA or VLC instead.
  • Worked around a change in macOS 10.15 that prevented EagleFiler browser windows from opening.
  • The software updater now works on macOS 10.15.
  • Brought back the old mailbox icon, as macOS 10.15 no longer has one built-in.
  • Capturing from Apple Mail now works on macOS 10.15.
  • Increased the maximum width of the # column so it doesn’t get truncated for mailboxes with very large numbers of messages.
  • Increased the maximum width of the Size column to prevent truncation with large font sizes.
  • Improved the property descriptions in the AppleScript dictionary.
  • Improved the identification and display of mailbox files that have mailformed headers containing NUL characters.
  • EagleFiler now limits the amount of a text file to index, to avoid running out of RAM and hanging the indexing process if you have a file that’s hundreds of MBs.
  • There’s now a 10-second timeout when accessing the text content of a record via AppleScript to prevent the user interface from hanging if PDFKit gets stuck. This is adjustable via the TextToolScriptTimeout esoteric preference.
  • Worked around an AVFoundation bug could cause internal errors when viewing an old movie file.
  • Improved reporting of Python launch errors.
  • Fixed a bug where a Web archive could open an ad window in Safari.
  • Fixed a regression where the toolbar buttons for creating new records were inappropriately disabled.
  • Fixed a regression where the Mac App Store version of EagleFiler didn’t include the manual.
  • Fixed an internal error when using the Drop Pad.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a message with MailTags tags but no project could result in an empty tag being applied.
  • Fixed a bug importing notes with very long titles from Evernote.
  • Updated to Python 2.7.16 and PyObjC 5.2.
EagleFiler Mac 破解版 文件和信息管理工具

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