DoYourData Start Menu Pro 4.7 MacOSX

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

DoYourData Start Menu Pro 4.7 MacOSX
DoYourData Start Menu Pro For Mac是为苹果电脑用户打造的一款开始菜单工具,这款工具和我们在windows下的开始菜单类似,其实我们平常用mac就是体验不一样操作的,不过如果用win习惯了可能不太顺手,有了这款工具就可以让你在mac下有体验windows的感觉了

DoYourData Start Menu Pro 4.x Mac OS X | 10 MB

Best Mac Start Menu – Make everything be easy and quick on your Mac. OS X or macOS is a bit more complex than Windows OS for common users. Now, with DoYourData Start Menu for Mac, you can smoothly manage your Mac, just like you are using a Windows start menu.

Applications Quick Visit
Quickly find and visit wanted applications on your Mac.

Task Manager
Check the tasks on your Mac, close unnecessary tasks to free up memory.

Mac Cleanup
Cleanup useless downloads, empty trash bin to free up disk space.

Startup Optimization
Manage your startup items to increase Mac OS boot speed

Disk Manager
Check your disk information, format Mac hard drive or storage media.

Quick Visit
Quickly visit the folders, applications, information, windows you use frequently.

Requirements: macOS 10.7 or later

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