DEVONthink Pro Mac 破解版 强大的资料管理软件

发表于: 2019-09-14 系统、应用软件 mac

DEVONthink Pro for mac是Mac os平台上的一款非常不错的Mac文件管理软件, DEVONthink Pro for mac这款软件它拥有精致的人工智能,能极其灵活的适应您的个性化需求。它是你pdf文件,电子邮件,Word文档甚至多媒体文件的数据库

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DEVONthink Pro 3.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

DEVONthink Pro Office for Mac是一款强大的信息组织和资源管理工具。是您的Mac无纸办公室。它存储您的所有文档,帮助您保持整理,并为您提供完成工作所需的内容。

  • 将您的数据放在一起。
  • 扫描您的论文,存档您的电子邮件。
  • 让人工智能帮助您提交数据。
  • 同步您的数据到您的所有设备,快速和安全。
  • 与任何人共享您的数据,无论他们使用Mac还是PC。


  • DEVONthink保持您的宝贵数据的组织和呈现方式,你想要的。
  • DEVONthink将所有信息保存在一个easytobackup数据库中,并以各种优化您的工作风格的方式呈现给您。多个视图可帮助您快速导航数据。
  • 许多文档都可以在线查看和编辑,而不必求助于快速浏览或打开其他应用程序。阅读网
  • 页,就好像它们是本地文档一样。


  • 不要自己抗击信息泛滥。 DEVONthink聪明并积极地协助您使用其内置的人工智能。
  • 让DEVONthink根据您提交类似文件的方式自动为您提供新文件。之后,高级搜索功能将检索您的任务所需的文档,而智能组将相关数据显示在一起。使用从文档中提取的关键字和独特的“另请参见”功能快速找到类似的文档。


  • 这不是关于数据,而是关于从它创建有意义的东西。DEVONthink是您的信息能力工具。
  • 收集,分析,总结和撰写:使用DEVONthink,您可以在一个应用程序中获得所需的全部功能,从而为您的工作流程提供有力支持。在一个地方查看所有数据,使用我们创新的标签方法快速整理文档,并使用增强型富文本编辑器编写文档。使用手动或自动Wikistyle链接轻松地交叉引用您的工作。
  • DEVONthink的两种全屏模式可帮助您保持专注,而智能模板是新文档的理想起点。


  • 无论您的数据来自何处,无论您想要如何处理,DEVONthink都能为您提供最佳工具和尽可能多的元数据。
  • 将文档存储在自包含的数据库中,或仅使用索引功能引用它们。只需按键即可从其他应用程序中剪切数据,将其添加到类似GTD®的收件箱中以备后用,或通过“记事本”面板或Dashboard Widget进行记录。浏览器扩展,服务菜单和分拣机面板将DEVONthink与您的工作流程集成在一起。
  • 发送链接到您的文档到任何处理网址(URL)的应用程序,例如OmniFocus或Mail,或以原始文件格式导出文档。 DEVONthink不会保留你的数据人质。

让所有内容保持同步 – 快速,健壮和安全

  • 在你所有的Mac,iPad和iPhone上使用你的数据库。在你的团队中进行协作。它超高速,超强大,强大的加密功能不断探索。
  • 通过WebDAV或Dropbox直接在本地网络上同步您的数据,或使用任何可安装的数据,例如一个USB棒或SD卡。您可以决定同步什么数据,何时何地以及在哪些位置。全面的AES 256位加密可以让所有人摆脱不想进入的情况。您的数据属于您,而不是您的服务提供商或我们。
  • 随身携带您的重要数据与DEVONthink To Go 2(即将推出)。在所有团队的Mac上使用相同的数据库,但通过定期同步本地网络上的新工作,NAS或基于Internet的文件服务,让每个人都能独立工作。


  • DEVONthink随您的需求增长。 DEVONthink Pro和Pro Office通过许多高级选项支持您的个人工作风格。
  • 为每个项目使用单独的数据库,并让自动分组从混乱中创建订单。将RSS源添加到您的数据库以自动导入新文章,或下载和存档完整的网站。一致性为您提供实时的数据分析。
  • AppleScript支持,Automator操作和脚本驱动的智能模板可让您将DEVONthink与其他软件集成在一起。天空是极限!

What's New in DEVONthink Pro Office

Version 3.0:

This long-awaited release debuts many exciting new features and improvements including: a new integrated user interface, custom metadata, reminders, and new automation options that are even accessible to non-programmers.

We have extended the capabilities of our already powerful search engine with search prefixes, like tags: and name:, to allow constructing more focused searches. Working with annotations and navigating PDFs is now easier and more efficient. A new OCR engine transforms scans into searchable PDFs faster and more accurate, the rewritten web interface supports teams with user and access permission management, and the new Sorter makes it easier than ever to add new data to DEVONthink. PDFs and images can also be imprinted with custom data, including Bates numbering. And if privacy is your concern: encrypted databases keep your data securely locked away from prying eyes.

In addition to the wealth of new features, DEVONthink has maintained and improved the core technologies you've relied on in previous versions. To make it easier to get started with DEVONthink, we have also thoroughly revised and rewritten the documentation, providing a handy and quickly accessible reference.

NOTE: Starting with this release DEVONthink requires OS X El Capitan (10.11.5) or later.

Product Line
  • Three new editions: DEVONthink, DEVONthink Pro, and DEVONthink Server. All editions support automation, multiple databases, and all file types.
User Interface
  • Added a new integrated user interface, utilizing panes versus independent windows for many functions.
  • Added support for the dark mode color scheme in macOS Mojave and later.
  • Added the Info inspector, showing general information and custom metadata about selected files.
  • Added the Annotations & Reminders inspector, allowing you to set reminders, view Finder comments, and create, view, and edit annotation files. Reminders can be one-time or scheduled, and they support several alarm options, including executing scripts.
  • Added the Content inspector displaying: the table of contents found in some Markdown, EPUB, and PDF documents, or the thumbnails for PDFs.
  • Added the Document inspector displaying: indexed metadata, added annotations (highlights, text, etc.) and detected links in PDF, RTF, and web-based documents, e.g., web archives.
  • Added the Concordance inspector giving you access to a word frequency list. It also has a new Cloud view, showing a word cloud with sizes based on word weight.
  • Added the See Also & Classify inspector, displaying suggested filing locations for or documents related to the selected item.
  • Added the Search inspector, providing in-document search-and-replace and a list of search results. It also allows viewing the context of the search term and easy navigation through the document.
  • Added the Reading List sidebar to gather items you want to read or return to at a later time, e.g., to easily access bookmarks, PDF pages, or specific points in video or audio.
  • Added the Extras sidebar providing access to up-to-date scripts, templates, tips and tricks, and news from us.
  • Added the Import sidebar integrating scanning and email archiving.
  • Added an Activity pane for a less intrusive display of certain processes.
  • Added encrypted databases for maximum privacy.
Searching & Navigating
  • Added search prefixes , e.g., tags: or name:, to allow for more focused searches. These are also used in scripting.
  • Search, including advanced criteria options, is now integrated into the main window.
  • Improved indexing and searching, including better support for Asian languages and indexing PDF and RTF attachments.
  • More precise highlighting of search hits when using proximity operators, e.g., NEAR or BEFORE.
  • Added Filter panes for filtering the displayed files by tags, dates and marks (label color, locked state, etc.), or geolocation data.
  • Added Go > To Group , Data > Move To , and Edit > Insert Item Link commands and popovers. These allow quicker access to open, reorganize, or link to items in your databases.
  • Favorites can now contain documents.
  • Tighter integration with the filesystem when using indexed files.
Working with Documents
  • Added a new 64-bit OCR engine with multi-core processing, Asian language support, and output to multiple formats.
  • Added the ability to create custom imprints, including placeholder text and Bates numbering, via Preferences > Imprint . For use with images and PDF files.
  • Added support for barcode detection.
  • Added a new web sharing interface and web server , utilizing secure connections via TLS and allowing creation of users with per-database permissions.
  • The Sorter has been redesigned and supports: searching open databases, multiple note taking options, including audio, video, and integrated screen captures, and includes the Clip to DEVONthink functions.
  • The Clip to DEVONthink browser extension for Safari is now a native extension.
  • Added custom metadata to support situation-specific needs. Multiple data types are supported, e.g., sets, Booleans, and numbers.
  • Added more options to convert metadata to tags, e.g., hashtags or geolocation data.
  • Added support for geolocation data, including the ability to enter it manually.
  • Added ratings, 0 to 5 stars.
  • Added automatic image tagging using machine learning.
  • Added the Formatting bar, shown under the toolbar, for use with rich text documents.
  • Added the Editing bar, displayed over the View/Edit pane, for quicker editing with document type-specific tools.
  • Added side-by-side view for editing HTML and Markdown documents.
  • Added form views and support for specific data types (number, date, etc.) to sheets.
  • Added Tools > Summarize Highlights to create a new RTF file containing the highlighted text from selected PDF and RTF files.
  • Added Tools > Create Metadata Overview to easily assemble metadata for selected files in a sheet that can be shared or exported.
  • Improved EPUB support with reading, search, and conversion to other formats, e.g., rich text or PDF.
  • Improved automatic WikiLinking , including support for the square bracket syntax, and active links in the rendered view of Markdown documents.
Automating Your Work
  • Added smart rules and Tools > Batch Process to execute event-driven actions on files, on a schedule or on demand.
  • Added new, easy to use data placeholders for use in templates, imprints, smart rules, and batch processing.
  • Added reminders that can be added to documents. They can be one-time or scheduled, and they support several alarm options, including executing scripts.
  • Improved and extended the AppleScript capabilities, including the ability to use scripts in reminders and smart rules.
Other Improvements
  • Revised and rewritten documentation.
  • Improved background processing of several functions, like email archiving, indexing, thumbnail generation, etc.
  • Improved performance.

Version 2.11:This release brings an exciting new improvement to sync: push notifications. When you make changes to your databases on Mac or mobile, a notification will be sent to other devices you are syncing. This decreases the amount of time before changes are downloaded. Also in this release, changing an encryption key for a sync location will prompt you what to do if you have already synced to it. Support for JSON RSS feeds has been added. Dragging and dropping text selections will include the reference URL of the file the text is dragged from. Some minor cosmetic adjustments have been made to the interface. And, as we always deliver, performance and stability has been improved.

  • Added commands  Set Title Set Author Set Subject , and  Add Tag  to the contextual menu of the preview when entering metadata after OCR has been performed.
  • Added support for JSON RSS feeds.
NEW (Sync)
  • Push notifications are now used to notify synchronized devices of changes available for immediate download. For syncing with your iOS device, DEVONthink To Go 2.7 is required. On the Mac macOS Sierra is also required.
  • Added an alert to clean the sync store after changing the encryption key on a sync location.
  • Renamed  Go > Workspace > Update  to  Update (…) . The last used workspace is now updated.
  • Preferences > General > Always open groups in a new window  has been renamed to  Double-click opens groups in a new window .
  • Custom icons on formatted notes and web archives are retained after changes are saved.
  • The URL field of imported and indexed files will now only use downloadable URLs, like web page addresses, imported from the files' metadata.
  • When dragging or copying selections from plain or rich text documents, the reference URL of the record is included. Note: The use of the reference URL is up to the receiving application.
  • Improved reliability when using Spotlight importers on macOS Mojave.
  • Improved naming of files when dragging pages from PDF sidebars to the Finder. In addition, existing files aren't overwritten in the Finder anymore.
  • Improved handling of RSS feeds with no title.
  • Improved reliability of the web server.
  • Improved recognition whether an installed Mail plugin should be updated.
  • Improved reliability, performance, and memory management of email archiving and indexing.
  • The  Support Assistant  is now loaded from our website and uses styled, longer tips.
  • Improved overall performance and reliability.
Improved (Sync)
  • Opening  Preferences > Sync  no longer immediately awakens external discs containing local sync stores.
  • Setting the sync interval to  Automatic  now syncs more often.
  • Improved handling of indexed files when synchronizing of indexed contents is disabled.
  • Improved logging for troubleshooting purposes.
  • Fixed an issue where an alert was not displayed after entering a license code for the wrong product or edition.
  • Fixed an issue where dragging a snippet from web views (HTML, formatted notes, web archives, or Markdown previews) set the URL of the new item to the internal path of the source.
  • Fixed an issue where entering license codes with organizations was broken since version 2.11.
  • Fixed an issue where dropping images into the preview pane could replace the currently displayed image.
  • Fixed an issue where opening the  License  panel could stall the application when there is a slow or unreliable network connection.
  • Fixed an issue where the background color of the left/upper pane of  Split  or  Three Pane  views wasn't always correct (macOS Mojave).
  • Fixed an issue where the score of search results in the web interface wasn't always correct.
  • Fixed an issue where the size of the preview of a PDF in the metadata panel wasn't correct after OCR is performed (macOS Mojave).  Automatically Resize  is now enabled by default.
  • Fixed an issue where  View > as Icons  and  View > as Split View  could cause unnecessary console messages (macOS High Sierra and later).
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by the Pantomime framework.
Fixed (Sync)
  • Fixed an artifact in the list of databases in  Preferences > Sync  on macOS Mojave.
  • Fixed an issue where cleaning sync stores could fail if an incorrect encryption key was entered.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading indexed pending items could fail if the item was uploaded as an imported one and deconsolidated later if the  Synchronize indexed contents  sync location option was disabled on the Mac. This reduces also slightly the memory footprint and the delay before synchronizing, especially on iOS.
  • Fixed an issue with syncing indexed file causing unnecessary download attempts.
  • Fixed a rare crash that occurred while cleaning or verifying sync stores.
  • Fixed an crash caused by corrupted sync status files.
DEVONthink Pro Mac 破解版 强大的资料管理软件

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