Creo Pro Mac 破解版 移动应用app设计开发工具
2019-05-19 开发、设计软件 mac
摘要: 还在寻找一款好用的移动app开发设计软件吗?Creo Mac破解版是一款超级简单实用的移动app设计开发工具。Creo让设计和开发之间没有更多的区别,旨在将设计和编码相关的任务放在同一屋檐下,允许您创建和定制应用程序的布局,同时还支持基于对象的编程。
还在寻找一款好用的移动app开发设计软件吗? Creo Mac激活版是一款超级简单实用的移动app设计开发工具。 Creo 让设计和开发之间没有更多的区别,旨在将设计和编码相关的任务放在同一屋檐下,允许您创建和定制应用程序的布局,同时还支持基于对象的编程。 Creo Mac版集成了对设计用户界面和编写为实用程序提供动力的代码的支持,是一款集 移动应用 设计和开发为一体的实用工具,需要的朋友欢迎下载!
[Creo Pro 在官网售价99美元]
Creo Pro 2.0.6 Mac 破解版 介绍
Creo for Mac开发工具, 移动应用 ,集成了支持设计的用户界面和编写权力效用。旨在 移动应用 程序的开发工具的代码将设计和编码相关的任务置于同一屋檐下。该实用程序使您可以创建和自定义应用程序的布局,同时还提供对基于对象的编程的支持。
克里奥提出了一个干净,井井有条的工作区,你去设计,建造,而无需使用多个公用事业测试 移动应用 程序。
What's New in Creo
Version 2.0.8:
- Exposed Locale.preferredLanguages
- Fixed an issue with class properties/methods autocompletion
- Fixed an issue with range in shouldChangeCharactersInRange TextField event (still a work in progress)
- Improved position of autocompletion popover
Version 2.0.4:
- Added new AudioRecorder class
- Added Horizontal and Vertical centered magnetic guides
- Added grid view to controls list
- Added an option to autoclose panel after a project has been sent to a device
- Added a new option to generate screenshots
- Added string.trim function
- Added custom fonts to plist and project in exporter
- Exposed new WillChangeToDisplayMode event to PageSplit
- Exposed view and subview to custom view
- Improved hittest on view controls and added an option to set a view as a passthrough
- Improved verification of IPA builder
- Improved Animation Panel
- Improved Sound class and fixed an issue on iOS devices
- Updated artworks for DesignBoard align menu and for bar system items
- Fixed cell height issue in the log panel
- Fixed several memory leaks in Gradients and Colors
- Fixed size of TableView header and footer
- Fixed some issues with movie assets
- Several internal fixes and improvements
Version 2.0.1:
- Exposed dismissMode property to ScrollView
- Added support for iPad Pro 11"
- Added a way to change text color for DatePicker and PickerView
- Updated AFNetworking to the latest version 3
- Improved registration process
- Improved memory usage and checker
- Fixed an issue with app builder process
- Several internal fixes and improvements
Version 1.2.2:
- Several UI fixes for 10.14 Mojave
- Improved TableView
- Improved Label, TextField and TextView
- Improved SQLite support
- Navigation has been renamed to NavigationBar
- A lot of other internal fixes and improvements
- An updated CreoPlayer app should be available via TestFlight within the next 48 hours
Creo Pro 2.0.6 Mac 破解版 下载