ColoFolXS 2.2.1 macOS

发表于: 2022-12-20 其他软件 mac

ColoFolXS 2.2.1 macOS

ColoFolXS for mac一款专门为mac平台设计的颜色设计工具,ColoFolXS mac版主要分为操作窗口区和编辑器,在编辑区中内置有颜色滑块、颜色库等工具,既能满足用户拾取目标颜色的操作又能满足用户精确配置颜色深浅的操作。ColoFolXS还可以帮助用户为文件夹添等对象添加个性化的颜色,同时还支持用户使用快捷键来定义删除某些颜色的操作,体现了更软件的简单、使用的特点。

A compact icon tool to color folders.

Click to enlarge Basic steps are very simple:
1. Launch ColoFolXS.
2. Drag & drop a folder to a color cell.

Or use as a Finder service:
1. Right- (or ctrl-) click a folder in the Finder.
2. Select "ColoFolXS" from the contextual menu.
3. Click a color cell.
Note: to change the same folder's color again, these 3 steps must be repeated.

Main Features:
• Cell colors are adjustable with the color sliders or using the color panel.
• Possible to keep not only colors but also your favorite folder icons on the main panel (drop an icon image to the empty cell while pressing the alt (option ⌥)-key).
• Custom icon max size can be limited to reduce memory use.
• Finder tags can be linked to the ColoFolXS colors, so that they are added or removed when you change icons with ColoFolXS.
• Possible to list the items marked with ColoFolXS.
• Shortcuts can be assigned to the removal function and each ColoFolXS color (Note: they work while ColoFolXS is running, while the shortcut assigned to the Finder service works to launch the app).
• For more details, please click the '?' buttons in the app.

Supported Operation System:
• 64-bit processor
• macOS 10.15 or later

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