CODIJY Recoloring 4.2.0 Mac

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

CODIJY Recoloring 4.2.0 Mac 一款优秀的照片着色软件,可用于准确快速的为黑白图像着色。你不需要复杂的操作,不需要大型软件,通过其先进的技术,快速将黑白照片转换为彩色照片,使用渐变仅需轻轻一击即可将逼真的颜色应用于面部。从彩色照片中捕捉自然的色彩过渡。并能够自由的进行颜色的调整,可调整色、饱和度以及亮度等。软件为用户提供了一个快速,直观的着色过程,用户只需要简单的使用软件自带的笔触功能,软件就能以您选择的颜色逼真地再现任何表面和纹理。软件的智能边界功能能够自动检测,可确保对小元素进行精确的着色,从而帮助您恢复复杂历史场景的每个细节。软件内拥有14000多种精选颜色,这些组成的100个主题库可帮助您快速找到最佳的颜色匹配。

File size: 51.05 MB

Recolor your most-admired B&W photos with surprising ease. Draw smile strokes and contours to add, protect and remove photo colors! Master your skills with guides, tutorials, lessons and examples.

“For those looking to join the world of black and white colorists with minimal knowledge, this is the software for you. Within a few days of practicing and following the tutorials, you'll be coloring with the pros. I highly recommend this product.” - Tim Wager, CODIJY User, the author of several Recolored History books.

CODIJY enables 130 000 hobbyists and pros to professionally recolor:
* Family portraits
* Iconic historical scenes & personalities
* Local history images
* Frames from the black and white movies

CODIJY users publish books, get features in the media and gather extensive social media following us

CODIJY Recoloring gives you the power to recolor photos of any complexity on the high professional level with:
- Industry-leading colorization algorithms
- Automatic border detection
- 28 Color Libraries that let you pick colors for people, materials and landscape features
- Advanced tools for picking tones and drawing color masks
- Instant Hue, Saturation and Brightness adjustment of the colors
- The Instant reference of the previously used colors
- Easy protection of the areas from recoloring
- Quick conversion of the photo areas to grayscale

Enjoy distraction-free creative process with
- One-click Preview Generation
- Processing of the individual photo areas
- Uncluttered, elegant interface
- Split View for previewing result Result side by side with the Editor
- Handy Image Navigator
- Undo Stack for quick access of the history of changes
- Smart Project Explorer

Supported formats
- Cross-platform MGD documents are to store your project with the Color History
- Open and export the recolored result to all major image formats including TIFF, JPEG, PNG

Quick learning curve
- Guides with video instructions
- Start-to-finish lessons
- Thematic tutorials
- Online and Printed User Manual
- Complete Reference on all available Materials
- Facebook and on-site colorization groups

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.13 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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