BluePlum Home Inventory 4.7.0 macOS

发表于: 2022-09-25 其他软件 mac

BluePlum Home Inventory 4.7.0 macOS


File size: 56.90 MB

The most comprehensive Home Inventory application on the market that will help you make and maintain inventory for any property you own. It lets you organize your belongings in collections, rooms, locations and/or assign one or more tags to each one. It lets you add photos, videos, receipts, manuals, contracts and other documents related to your possessions.

→ Inventory Items
Add all necessary information related to each item: name, description, year, make, model, serial number, purchase price, annual depreciation rate, heir, warranty...
Associate items to your properties, rooms, and collections. Add custom tags to organize your items into even more categories........

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.12 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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