Back-In-Time Mac 破解版 数据备份工具

发表于: 2019-08-20 系统、应用软件 mac

Back In Time for Mac是一款运行在Mac平台上的 数据备份 工具,可以帮助我们备份所有Time Machine数据。Back In Time Mac版提供了一个易于访问所有Time Machine备份数据的功能,你可以发现任何可用的 数据备份 ,并轻松复制文件和文件夹的任何您选择的位置。

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Back-In-Time 5.0.7 Mac 破解版 介绍

Back-In-Time 使您可以访问Time Machine备份的内容。它的浏览器允许您同时查看保存在多个Time Machine磁盘中的数据,来自多个不同Mac的数据,来自多个磁盘的数据等.Rack-In-Time提供快速,全面的所有备份视图,以快速找出哪些已备份文件,备份中有多少个不同版本,哪些文件已被删除等。

Back-In-Time allows users to transcend Time Machine restoration possibilities. Back-In-Time offers an easy access to all the data backed up by Time Machine.

Features that you can do with Back-In-Time only:

  • Show how many versions of each document are available, and when they were saved.
  • Show items that were deleted.
  • Drag and Drop to copy items anywhere.
  • Open multiple browsers at the same time.
  • Handle multiple Time Machine disks.
  • Access Time Machine data from other Macs.
  • Preview different versions of each document.
  • And much more...

What's New in Back-In-Time

Version 5.0.7:

About changes in macOS 10.15 Catalina:
  • Applications are located in /Applications/ and in /System/Applications/.
  • Data are stored in a separate volume in Time Machine data (For example "Macintosh HD - Data").
  • Note: You must explicitly allow access to your data and Time Machine disks. Open the System Preferences (Apple menu) and select "Security and Privacy". In the "Privacy" tab, select "Full Disk Access" and add Back-In-Time.
  • Compatibility macOS 10.15 (Catalina).
  • Various minor enhancements and interface changes.
  • Various minor corrections.
Back-In-Time Mac 破解版 数据备份工具

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