Artstudio Pro 4.1.7 Mac

发表于: 2022-10-31 其他软件 mac

Artstudio Pro 4.1.7 Mac

Artstudio Pro For Mac是为苹果电脑用户打造的一款实用图像编辑和绘图软件,软件充分利用了Metal、iCloud Drive等技术,并且对64位处理器进行了优化,可以满足不同类型用户对图片的处理需要,支持主流的图像格式,并且内置了丰富的绘图工具和笔刷效果,新版本还提升了处理速度。

File size: 236.68 MB

Artstudio Pro, the most powerful painting and photo editing app available for both macOS and iOS . The successor to our famous ArtStudio app has been redesigned bringing many new features and improvements taking full advantage of the latest technologies Metal, iCloud Drive, and optimized for 64-bit multi-core processors to achieve the smoothest possible workflow.

Hundreds of assets are included and users have the ability to import resources in the most popular formats (ABR, TPL, PAT, GRD, ASE, ACO) giving instant access to millions of brushes, patterns, gradients, color swatches and fonts. It will boost your creativity and help you bring your ideas to life quickly and easily..........

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.14 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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