Animated Wallpapers 1.0.7 MacOS

发表于: 2022-09-22 其他软件 mac

Animated Wallpapers 1.0.7 MacOS

Mac动态壁纸软件推荐Animated Wallpapers,拥有许多主题壁纸,每一款都很精美,不仅如此还可以作为隐藏桌面图标的幕布使用!

File size: 87 MB

Animated Wallpapers lets you feel the breeze of your desktop, your desktop is not boring anymore!

Animated Wallpapers lets you feel the breeze of your desktop, your desktop is not boring anymore!

- Select from many HD themes: Nature, Space and more.
- Show/Hide Desktop Icons : it can be used as a curtain to hide desktop icons ,in case you are having a work presentation and you want to hide all the mess on the desktop.

Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.10 or later

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