Airfoil 5.11.0 MacOSX

发表于: 2022-08-22 其他软件 mac

Airfoil 5.11.0 MacOSX

可将系统内任何软件的声音输出到Airport express 或者 Apple TV上去.

Airfoil Mac OS X | 11.8 MB

Airfoil allows you to send any audio to AirPort Express units, Apple TVs, and even other Macs and PCs, all in sync! It's your audio - everywhere. With Airfoil you can take audio from any application and send to your AirPort Express units, as well as Apple TVs, and even other Macs and PCs running Airfoil Speakers! Transmit audio from RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, and other media players. Send audio from web-based applications like Pandora,, and other to the AirPort Express. You can even stream audio from audio devices like RadioSHARK, XM and Sirius radios, around your house.

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