ATOM RPG Mac 破解版 核爆RPG:末日余生

发表于: 2019-09-29 游戏一箩筐 mac

由 AtomTeam 研发、以世纪末风格为主的 角色扮演 游戏新作《 ATOM RPG 》是受到《辐射/Fallout》、《废土/Wasteland》、《网络奇兵》、《杀出重围》、《博德之门》这些经典 角色扮演 游戏的影响,以西方各国崩坏情况下、荒芜的世纪末为故事背景,游戏故事描述1986 年苏联与西方国家不约而同在核爆中毁灭,玩家是这场浩劫后的幸存者之一,玩家将在苏联的荒野上展开探索,想办法调查背后的阴谋。

[ ATOM RPG 在Steam 售价 48.00 元]

ATOM RPG 1.1091 Mac 破解版 介绍

游戏强调具有强大的角色创造工具,让玩家可以打造出心目中的荒野英雄,同时具有均衡的 角色扮演 系统,让玩家可以藉由不同组合来体验独特的游戏经验、展开独特的对话与用新方法解决一些任务。

玩家可以与其他幸存者在荒野世界中的新定居点来相遇,当玩家尝试在野外冒险时,可能会被突变生物埋伏;若是玩家真的有闲情逸致,也可以在优美的池塘钓鱼.... ..

游戏受《辐射》第一、第二代的影响颇深,采用回合制战斗,玩家在荒野终将可能随机遭遇不同的居民,而多样选择性对话企图让玩家感受每个 NPC 的独特性。

ATOM RPG 1.1091 (32612) is a post-apocalyptic indie game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, Wasteland, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur’s Gate and many others.

In 1986 both the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc were destroyed in mutual nuclear bombings. You are one of the survivors of the nuclear Holocaust. Your mission – to explore the wild and wondrous world of the Soviet Wasteland. To earn your place under the sun. And to investigate a shadowy conspiracy, aimed at destroying all that is left of life on Earth.

A powerful character creation tool, aimed at making the wasteland hero you want to portray!

A balanced roleplaying system inspired by GURPS. Each stat combination provides a unique gaming experience, unique dialogues, and new ways to solve some of the quests!

Dozens of skills, from lockpicking to gambling!

Many hours of gameplay on all sorts of locations. Meet the other survivors in a brave new settlement, built from the dust of the old world. Venture into the wilds, where mutated creatures and savage bandits lurk. Work out the secrets of an old military bunker. Or simply lose yourself, fishing at a scenic pond…

Turn-based combat, inspired by Fallout 1 and 2.

Random encounters with the dwellers of the Soviet Wasteland – both friendly and dangerous. Sometimes all at the same time…

Many deep, multiple-choice dialogues that feel like real conversations with the unique NPCs of the game.

Nonlinear gameplay! Dozens of quests, each with many alternative solutions. Play the game like You want to!

ATOM RPG Mac 破解版 核爆RPG:末日余生
ATOM RPG Mac 破解版 核爆RPG:末日余生
ATOM RPG Mac 破解版 核爆RPG:末日余生
ATOM RPG Mac 破解版 核爆RPG:末日余生
ATOM RPG Mac 破解版 核爆RPG:末日余生

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