
#电影简介 《投名状》百度云网盘下载[MP4/2.59GB/mkv]蓝光[BD

导演: 陈可辛
编剧: 须兰 / 秦天南 / 林爱华 / 黄建新 / 许月珍 / 何冀平 / 郭俊立 / 阮世生
资源类型:投名状百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 李连杰 / 金城武 / 刘德华 / 徐静蕾 / 郭晓东 / 顾宝明 / 石兆琪 / 王奎荣 / 汪汐潮 / 周波 / 魏宗万 / 余皑磊 / 李崇霄 / 张优 / 吴优 / 向佐 / 叶福生
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 战争 / 古装
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 / 中国香港
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 2007-12-12(中国大陆) / 2007-12-13(中国香港)
片长: 126 分钟 / 110 分钟(删减版)
又名: The Warlords / 刺马
IMDb链接: tt0913968
电影《投名状》讲述了清末战火连绵民不聊生,大哥(李连杰 饰)被同僚出卖,所带军队无一生还。因为装死而活下来的大哥遇见了离家出走的莲生(徐静蕾 饰),二人一夜取暖后,莲生不告而别。大哥在街道上被三弟(金城武 饰)发现并带回村,发现竟是二虎(刘德华 饰)的妻子。被贫穷饥饿所折磨的农民在憨厚的二虎与忠诚的三弟的带领下,劫抢官银,导致官府半夜报复。大哥乘机鼓动大家参加军队赚来军饷粮食,三人纳投名状结兄弟义,浩浩荡荡地带着一百零八人出发从军。这支兄弟军不要命的拼劲,拿下不少胜仗。只是爬得越高,大哥的野心越大,二虎与三弟再也无法管束,分歧渐生;而大哥与连生的感情被三弟发现,三弟误以为莲生是兄弟反目的原因,想借杀大嫂来解救二虎。面对朝廷的欺诈、官府的黑暗、野心的膨胀,曾经纳过投名状的三兄弟最终自相残杀……

Set in China in the 1860's during the Taiping Rebellion, the story is based on the assassination of Ma Xinyi in 1870. Loyalist General Qingyun is the only survivor of a battle with anti-Qing rebels. He encounters a starving village, whose inhabitants engage in banditry to survive, where he is nursed back to health by the attractive Liansheng. With his strength regained, Qingyun impresses one of the village bandit leaders, Jiang Wuyang, with his fighting skills. Wuyang introduces him to his "big brother", who also happens to be Liansheng's husband, Zhao Erhu and Qingyun begins to assist them with their raids. Qingyun convinces his two new comrades to form a loyalist army unit to fight the rebels and feed their own people. The three men swear a blood oath. Their stunning military successes impress the governing powers, but as Qingyun's influence begins to grow, they soon fear him. The political and emotional stakes will be tested, leading to differences between the blood brothers.

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