导演: 永冈智佳
编剧: 樱井武晴 / 青山刚昌
资源类型:名侦探柯南:绯色的弹丸百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
资源类型:名侦探柯南:绯色的弹丸百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 高山南 / 山崎和佳奈 / 小山力也 / 林原惠美 / 日高法子 / 田中敦子 / 森川智之 / 池田秀一 / 一城美由希 / 梁田清之 / 土师孝也 / 杉本优
类型: 动作 / 动画 / 悬疑 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2020-04-17(日本)
片长: 110分
日文名:绯色的子弹 名探偵コナン 緋色の弾丸
日文名:绯色的子弹 名探偵コナン 緋色の弾丸
又名: 名侦探柯南:绯色的弹丸 / 名侦探柯南24 / Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet
日本承办的全球最大体育盛事WSG即将在东京举办开幕式。 为此,融合日本先进技术打造最高时速1000km的「真空超电导磁悬浮」即将通车。往返于新名古屋站至东京新开的芝浜站。 在这个万众瞩目的关头,汇集知名赞助商的酒会现场遇到了突发事件。 知名企业的高官接连遭到绑架。事件背后,是全程监视的赤井秀一,以及等候赤井发令的FBI探员们的身影。 根据柯南的推理,本次事件也许与15年前美国波士顿发生的WSG绑架事件有关,当时也是由FBI管辖。 这真的是偶然吗?在各国游客聚集的日本到底会遇到什么样的事件? “贯穿日本的子弹”超真空电导磁悬浮启动之时,“危险一家人”终于集结!
WSG, the world's largest sports event hosted by Japan, will hold an opening ceremony in Tokyo. Therefore, the "vacuum superconductance magnetic levitation" with the highest speed of 1000km / h will be opened to traffic. From the new Nagoya station to Tokyo's new Chihiro station. At this juncture of public attention, the reception of famous sponsors met with unexpected events. Senior officials of well-known enterprises have been kidnapped one after another. Behind the incident are Hideki Akai, who is under surveillance throughout the whole process, and the FBI agents waiting for Akai's order. According to Conan's reasoning, the incident may have something to do with the WSG kidnapping in Boston 15 years ago, which was also under the jurisdiction of the FBI. Is this really accidental? What kind of events will happen in Japan, where tourists from all over the world gather? "Bullet through Japan" ultra vacuum conductance magnetic levitation start, "dangerous family" finally assembled!


日本承办的全球最大体育盛事WSG即将在东京举办开幕式。 为此,融合日本先进技术打造最高时速1000km的「真空超电导磁悬浮」即将通车。往返于新名古屋站至东京新开的芝浜站。 在这个万众瞩目的关头,汇集知名赞助商的酒会现场遇到了突发事件。 知名企业的高官接连遭到绑架。事件背后,是全程监视的赤井秀一,以及等候赤井发令的FBI探员们的身影。 根据柯南的推理,本次事件也许与15年前美国波士顿发生的WSG绑架事件有关,当时也是由FBI管辖。 这真的是偶然吗?在各国游客聚集的日本到底会遇到什么样的事件? “贯穿日本的子弹”超真空电导磁悬浮启动之时,“危险一家人”终于集结!
WSG, the world's largest sports event hosted by Japan, will hold an opening ceremony in Tokyo. Therefore, the "vacuum superconductance magnetic levitation" with the highest speed of 1000km / h will be opened to traffic. From the new Nagoya station to Tokyo's new Chihiro station. At this juncture of public attention, the reception of famous sponsors met with unexpected events. Senior officials of well-known enterprises have been kidnapped one after another. Behind the incident are Hideki Akai, who is under surveillance throughout the whole process, and the FBI agents waiting for Akai's order. According to Conan's reasoning, the incident may have something to do with the WSG kidnapping in Boston 15 years ago, which was also under the jurisdiction of the FBI. Is this really accidental? What kind of events will happen in Japan, where tourists from all over the world gather? "Bullet through Japan" ultra vacuum conductance magnetic levitation start, "dangerous family" finally assembled!


名侦探柯南:绯色的弹丸百度云资源网盘上映时间:预计2020-06 日本