
#电影简介 《真·爱》百度云网盘电影|在线观看uc网盘|超清

导演: 阿尔玛·哈勒
主演: TerriAnn Peters
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2016-04-15(翠贝卡电影节) / 2017-02-10(英国)
片长: 82分钟
又名: 纪录真爱
IMDb链接: tt2638900
凭借出色的处女作《孟买海滩》(Bombay Beach)和《LoveTrue》在2015年TFF电影节上的“正在进行中的工作”选集而获得翠贝卡2011年最佳纪录片长片奖后,导演兼摄影师阿尔玛·哈尔尔(Alma Har'el)重返舞台,首映了她期待已久的大二作品。这部风格独特的纪录片将哈拉尔标志性的诗意意象和对非小说表演的迷恋带到了三个旨在解开真爱幻想的赞美故事中。通过一个大气的混合镜头,艺术的摄影,和描绘过去,现在,和未来的场景,哈尔'埃尔跟踪三个复杂的,现实生活中的关系,因为他们在国家的不同角落展开。阿拉斯加人布莱克和乔尔不顾身体的限制和她的脱衣生涯,追求一段充满希望的浪漫。在夏威夷,自由精神椰子威利发现了真爱的另一面,他意识到自己的儿子在生理上不是自己的。歌手兼词曲作者Victory和她的兄弟姐妹们在纽约市的街道上表演,他们的父亲约翰突然与妻子分居,她和她的兄弟姐妹们在街上表演。由《飞莲》和什叶派拉博夫出品的《高管》以催眠为背景,出现了三个关于爱情更深层次定义的启示性故事。

After winning Tribeca's Best Documentary Feature Award in 2011 for her remarkable debut, Bombay Beach, and screening work-in-progress selections from LoveTrue at TFF 2015, director and cinematographer Alma Har'el returns with the premiere of her anticipated sophomore feature. This genre-bending documentary brings Har'el's signature poetic imagery and fascination with performance in nonfiction to three complimentary stories that seek to demystify the fantasy of true love. Using an atmospheric blend of follow-along footage, artful camerawork, and scenes depicting the past, present, and future of her subjects, Har'el follows three complicated, real-life relationships as they unfold in distinct corners of the country. Alaskans Blake and Joel pursue a promising romance, in spite of physical limitations and her stripping career. In Hawaii, free spirit Coconut Willie discovers another side of true love after realizing his son is not biologically his own. And singer/songwriter Victory philosophizes on faith and faithfulness as she and her siblings perform in the streets of New York City accompanied by their father John, who was abruptly separated from his wife. Set to a hypnotizing score by Flying Lotus and executive produced by Shia LaBeouf, three revelatory stories emerge about a deeper definition of love.

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