导演: 沟口健二
编剧: 川口松太郎 / 成泽昌茂 / 依田义贤 / 陶秦
主演: 京町子 / 森雅之 / 山村聪 / 进藤英太郎 / 杉村春子
类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 历史
制片国家/地区: 中国香港 / 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 1955-05-03(日本)
片长: 98 分钟 / Argentina: 100 分钟
又名: Empress Yank Kwei Fei / Princess Yang Kwei-fei
IMDb链接: tt0048820
唐玄宗李隆基(森雅之 饰)痛失爱妃武惠妃,整日愁眉不展,荒废朝政。内有高力士(进藤英太郎 饰)四处搜寻绝世美女,以求讨取皇上开心;外有杨国忠(小泽荣 饰)等希求显贵之人,不遗余力进献子女。驻守边疆的节度使安禄山(山村聪 饰)拜会杨国忠,偶然在柴房见到杨来自乡下的堂妹杨玉环(京町子 饰),惊为天人。在安禄山和高力士的举荐下,杨玉环进入宫中,赢得玄宗欢心。 一人得道,鸡犬升天,杨家兄弟姐妹纷纷入宫,“遂令天下父母心,不重生男重生女。”然杨国忠为相后专横跋扈,鱼肉百姓,使得长安街头怨声载道;又有安禄山狼子野心,图谋天下,太平盛世从此不在…… 本片荣获1956年每日电影奖特别奖。
In 8th-century China, the Emperor is grieving over the death of his wife. The Yang family wants to provide the Emperor with a consort so that they may consolidate their influence over the court. General An Lushan finds a close relative working in their kitchen whom they groom to present to the Emperor. The Emperor falls in love with her and she becomes the Princess Yang Kwei-fei. The Yangs are then appointed important ministers, though An Lushan is not given the court position he covets. The ministers misuse their power so much that there is a popular revolt against all the Yangs, fueled by An Lushan.