
#电影简介 《拉面首领》百度云盘下载[MP4/mkv]蓝光[BD720P/HD

导演: 重乃康纪
主演: 富田治 / 饭田将太 / 大西祐贵 / 松冈胜治 / 高桥登梦
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 日本
语言: 日语
上映日期: 2018-01-27(日本)
片长: 93分钟
又名: 拉面狂人(港) / 拉面狂(台) / Ramen Heads
IMDb链接: tt6764122
“I’m gonna change the whole way you think about ramen.” 轻轻拨起日式暖帘,趟开木门,浓郁的猪骨香扑鼻而至,低头的食客发出「雪雪雪」的声音,仰头的食客把喝光汤底的大碗放下,与木桌轻碰一声。 「拉麵之神」山岸一雄说过他「一辈子只做一件事」,拉麵作為「国民美食」,日本人固然捧在手心有著不一样的坚持。每碗拉麵,由汤底到麵条,每个工序必须一丝不苟,才能锁住日本国民灵敏的舌头。镜头紧随蝉联四年日本拉麵大赛冠军的拉麵师傅富田治、饭田将太、大西祐贵等5位拉麵职人十五个月,逐步向你展示被誉為「国民美食」的拉麵背后不同的理念及熬製过程,再由拉麵的歷史渊源谈到近年拉麵的变调,教你细嚐放入口中的每箸麵线、每啖汤底、每块入口即融的叉烧,做一个称职的拉麵狂迷。

In 'Ramen Heads,' Osamu Tomita, Japan's reigning king of ramen, takes us deep into his world, revealing every single step of his obsessive approach to creating the perfect soup and noodles, and his relentless search for the highest-quality ingredients. In addition to Tomita's story, the film also profiles five other notable ramen shops, each with its own philosophy and flavour, which exemplify various different aspects the ramen world. Mixing in a brief rundown of ramen's historical roots, the film gives viewers an in-depth look at the culture surrounding this unique and beguiling dish. This is a documentary record of 15 months in the lives of Japan's top ramen masters and their legions of devoted fans.

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