
#电影简介 《高山上的夏尔巴人》百度云盘下载[MP4/mkv]蓝光

导演: 詹妮弗·皮多姆
编剧: 詹妮弗·皮多姆
主演: phurba tashi / Karma Doma Sherpa / Russell Brice
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 澳大利亚
语言: 尼泊尔语 / 英语
上映日期: 2015-06-07(悉尼电影节)
片长: 85分钟
IMDb链接: tt3746250
在珠穆朗玛峰打架?看上去不可思议。但2013年,世界各地的新闻频道报道,欧洲登山者逃离一群愤怒的夏尔巴人,在6400米(2.1万英尺)的高空发生了一场丑陋的争吵。1953年,新西兰人埃德蒙·希拉里(EdmundHillary)和夏尔巴·坦辛·诺基(Sherpa TenzingNorgy)本着合作精神和勇敢乐观的精神登上了现在登山者和夏尔巴人互相辱骂,甚至还打了一拳。幸福、微笑的夏尔巴人和他们把外国人带到他们认为如此神圣的山顶上的献身精神又发生了什么呢?为了探索到底发生了什么,电影制作人们从夏尔巴人的角度出发,开始拍摄2014年珠峰攀登季节的电影。相反,他们捕捉到了一场将永远改变珠穆朗玛峰的悲剧。2014年4月18日上午6时45分,一个14,000吨重的冰块通过昆布冰河坠毁在攀登路线上,造成16名夏尔巴人死亡。这是珠穆朗玛峰历史上最严重的悲剧。这场灾难引发了对夏尔巴人在珠穆朗玛峰产业中的角色的激烈重新评价。夏尔巴人讲述的是,面对激烈的反对,夏尔巴人如何在悲痛和愤怒中团结起来,夺回他们称之为“乔莫隆马”的这座山。
A fight on Everest? It seemed incredible. But in 2013 news channels around the world reported an ugly brawl at 6400 m (21,000 ft) as European climbers fled a mob of angry Sherpas. In 1953, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay had reached the summit in a spirit of co-operation and brave optimism. Now climbers and Sherpas were trading insults - even blows. What had happened to the happy, smiling Sherpas and their dedication in getting foreigners to the top of the mountain they hold so sacred? Determined to explore what was going on, the filmmakers set out to make a film of the 2014 Everest climbing season, from the Sherpas' point of view. Instead, they captured a tragedy that would change Everest forever. At 6.45am on 18th April, 2014, a 14,000 ton block of ice crashed down onto the climbing route through the Khumbu Icefall, killing 16 Sherpas. It was the worst tragedy in the history of Everest. The disaster provoked a drastic reappraisal about the role of the Sherpas in the Everest industry. SHERPA tells the story of how, in the face of fierce opposition, the Sherpas united in grief and anger to reclaim the mountain they call Chomolungma.

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