

导演: 张彻 / 鲍学礼
编剧: 倪匡 / 张彻 / 靳蜀美
资源类型:快活林百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载
主演: 狄龙 / 田青 / 朱牧 / 于枫 / 冯克安
类型: 动作 / 冒险 / 武侠 / 古装
制片国家/地区: 中国香港
语言: 汉语普通话
上映日期: 1972-09-20(中国香港)
片长: 93分钟
又名: The Delightful Forest
IMDb链接: tt0068821
本片由张彻与鲍学礼联合导演,倪匡、张彻及靳蜀美合编剧本。故事讲述武松(狄龙 饰)杀死潘金莲及西门庆后,被判发配孟州牢营。武松本照例要接受一百下杀威棒,但得施恩(田青 饰)求情,侥幸获得豁免。武松知施恩有求於己,催促施恩说出情由,原来由其开设的「快活林」酒肆,被「蒋门神」蒋忠(朱牧 饰)夺去…… 1972年一代大导演张彻与邵氏武打巨星狄龙《马永贞》打造了地方武侠片传奇的《马永贞》,同年另一部《快活林》亦是不可多得之大作。由由张彻和鲍学礼合导,是由倪匡、张彻和靳蜀美合编剧本,主要演员有狄龙、田青、于枫、姜南、江玲、王光裕和??家荣。以武松生平揭开序幕,由狄龙演出这位打虎英雄最壮烈、最不为人知的一页! 《快活林》电影的故事内容讲述武松(狄龙饰)杀死潘金莲和西门庆后,被判发配孟州的牢营。武松本照例要接受一百下杀威棒,但得施恩(田青饰)求情,侥幸获得豁免。武松知施恩有求于己,催促施恩说出情由,原来由其开设的快活林酒肆,被蒋门神蒋忠(朱牧饰)夺去……

Wu Sung, a military swordmaster, is acused of murdering his adulterous sister-in-law and a thug, and sent to exile in Meng Chou. At the prison camp, Shih En, son of the camp commander, intercedes in his favour, to spare him the humiliating 100 bamboo lashes. When Wu Sung knows that a local thug, Chiang Chung, attacked and wounded Shih En to rob his wine cellar at the Delightful Forest, the military trainer decides to interfere. He defies the thug to a duel, in which he wins, at a cost - the thug is a drunkard who fights well, even when he has drunk too much! Later, after making sure Wu Sung has drunk too much, it's Chiang Chung who demands, and gets, his revenge. Chiang Chung moves political influences and treachery to provoke the downfall of the military instructor, again. Wu Sung returns from yet another exile, to get satisfaction.

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