

导演: 金韩民
编剧: 金韩民
主演: 朴海日 / 朴率美 / 朴元尚 / 李代延
类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚
制片国家/地区: 韩国
语言: 韩语
上映日期: 2007-04-12
片长: 112 分钟
又名: AKA Paradise Murdered / Murder at Heavenly Island
IMDb链接: tt1662506
1986年,汉城亚运会期间,韩国举国上下沉浸在体育竞技的热闹氛围之中。但在位于韩国西南部的极乐岛上,却发生了惨绝人寰且扑朔迷离的连环杀人案。极乐岛位于大海中央,岛上只有17为居民,人们安居乐业,质朴风趣,尽职尽责的于成友大夫关爱大家的健康,是岛民们最为依赖的外来者。适逢70岁高龄的金哲英爷爷寿辰,岛民们聚在一起饮食歌舞,畅玩通宵。可就在次日清晨,两名电工遭人残忍杀害,岛上一时间人心惶惶。人们议论纷纷,相互猜忌。在此之后,残忍的凶手并未收手,而是展开新一轮的屠杀。 名为极乐的小岛,变成最为恐怖和血腥的人间地狱……

Off the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula, an island of 17 inhabitants exists. The so-called Paradise Island holds up to its name with its breath-taking mountains and sea coupled with good-natured people. No worries or stress holds for anyone who comes to visit this beautiful oasis. But this peace doesn't last long as every single one of the inhabitants disappear one day without a single trace. Chaos initially breaks out when a blood-drenched corpse is found and everyone becomes a suspect. The furious sea allows them no boat ride to the mainland and their only existing radio communication device has been smashed. Trapped together on the island, everyone is suspicious of each other and even the unseen could be a possible suspect. As hideous secrets get revealed day by day, an island of paradise slowly turns into an island of death.

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