Psychology for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals is a brand new textbook written for all those studying and working in nursing and in the allied health professions including midwifery and health visiting. It provides comprehensive coverage of the core subject areas of psychology: social processes such as conformity, obedience, social behaviour, development across the lifespan, including early experiences, cognitive, adolescence, adulthood and old age - as well as health psychology, stress and personality.
Written by the bestselling Psychology author Richard Gross, and Nancy Kinnison, a highly experienced nurse and nursing lecturer, Psychology for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals is a refreshingly new approach to applying the theoretical aspects of psychology to the practical aspects of nursing and health care. This highly illustrated text is accessible, practical, and comprehensive.
Edition: 1st Edition
ISBN: 034093011X
Posted on: 2/23/2017
Format: Pdf
Page Count: 432 Pages
Author: Richard Gross,: Nancy Kinnison,